Below is the procedure to create/configure the pagelet.
- Create a portal application and deploy in an application server
- Login to Pagelet producer. http://<host>:<port:>/pageletadmin
- In the Navigator select option “Producers” for “Jump to” from the list, will display screen like below
- Click on Register button, a screen like below will be displayed
- Enter required fields like Producer Name, WSDL url of the portlet
- Click on Test button and then Click Ok
- Now the pagelet is registered which can be viewed in Resources
Consume Pagelet
Pagelet can be consumed in two ways.
1) Using java script code generated by the pagelet producer
a. In the Navigation tab, Jump to “Resources” option
b. From the resources listed, select the registered pagelet and navigate to “Documentation” option as shown in the below screen
c. Copy the Java Script given for the pagelet and paste in any html or web page, the pagelet will be consumed while running the web pages
2) By creating a new connection to the pagelet producer in ADF application
a. Go to Application Resources
b. Right Click on Connections and select “Pagelet Producer…” option from the list of options available for New Connection
c. It will display all the registered pagelets in the given pagelet producer
d. Select the required pagelet and drag & drop on the JSF page as a region
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