March 12, 2013

Enable logging in Weblogic to print System.out.println()

I have a web application in which I have given “System.out.println()” statements to print information, but I could not see these statements in weblogic logs. To get these print statements in weblogic logs, “stdout” should be enabled in the weblogic server log. To check this, we can follow the below procedure.

  • Go to weblogic and select the server (Ex: AdminServer) in which you want to enable this logging
  • Go to “Logging” tab of the server
  • Click on “Advanced” option
  • Enable or Check in the option “Redirect stdout logging enabledif it is not checked in
  • And also Check in the option “Redirect stderr logging enabledto print error statements in the server logs
  • After enabling these options, the screen would look as below  

  • Click on Save button and Restart the server instance